Like Yihui (of blogdown and many other awesome R packages) whose goal is to publish a book a year1, I have a similar personal goal that I started last year. While I’d love to write a book a year, it’s too ambitious a goal for me (and many people in general, I’d think) to pursue. Instead, my personal goal is to do an external presentation a year, be it for meetups, conferences, or nearby schools as a guest speaker.
Back in May, I did a presentation on R package development for the ATL R User group, successfully completing the mission for the year :) The presentation has two decks: (1) main deck (here) containing the introduction and high level overview, and (2) reference deck2 (here) containing the screenshots of each step of the R package development that I covered during the presentation.
I should probably add to my personal goal list something about blog posting3. I’m just happy still that blogging is this easy (again thanks to Yihui!), and so there should be no excuse why I can’t write a post more frequently. Well, I won’t make it an official personal goal just yet, but for now, I will have to keep writing posts whenever I can, sometimes multiple posts at one sitting, just like today! :)